Kirk’s Founder Diary – 5/21/2020
I launched in 2018 with the goal of landing some video clients. While it has successfully landed me a few new clients in the world, Scene Company has become so much more. Since then, we have signed on 8 amazing authors and created some merch for them which has taken on a life of its own.
So, I am wanting a new website.
That is always a daunting task. I want something created fast and right. I want something that tells the stories of each of the authors and their titles more completely. I know that its something myself and my designers will spend dozens of hours on over the next month. And I know that when we have a grand launch next month, I will probably immediately hate it.
That’s one of the sticky points of creation. You can see its flaws. You know the limitations and maybe that what comes out isn’t in your head. So what do you do when you face that conundrum?
In my experience, you press forward. Perfectionism often time leads to procrastination. You can spend years crafting the perfect video, art piece, book, or manuscript, and you will still face negative feedback, find imperfections, and wish things could have been a little polished.
I am excited to create this new website and reveal more about it to you soon.